Wow , so much to be said , so much to be learned, so much to be experienced. This blog will be a diary of my experiences that may help me discover some greater truths to tea. Are those expensive aged pu-erhs really worth it, how about all those oolongs, should I consider putting some away , do they really taste better with age. All those tea pots, those ancient pottery, do these really make the tea more patient, will I experience a previous unnoticed taste or reflection with that silver kettle. I have loved tea for more than 20 years, through trials, good times ,deaths, the constant has always been a cup of tea. Yet....a feeling that I am missing something, that there is more to be experienced. That for the many cups of tea that I consume I must focus at least for a few moments on this integral part of my life .
With much respect I enter this pathway , in hopes to finding many answers to the way of tea. To what equation do I give the intent, the equipment, and the resource. I know already that so much is to be learned thru these experience that will follow, and that much can be gained from the experiences of those who have already gone this path.
May the wisdom of the ancients be with me as I begin this journey into tea.
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